​​​​The 'Lectric Legends


Outreach 4:

Library Demo

Coach Julia took our outreach robot to a Scott County Public Library Teen Robotics event. She spoke about the robot, robot game, and FIRST with teens from the community. She recruited one student for the new FRC team being started at the University of Kentucky.

Thank you, Coach Julia, for doing this when Team Members Isabel and Oliver were unable to attend due to illness.

Outreach 5:

Meet with Craft

We were invited by FTC Team 20694, Craft Coalition, to meet on November 19, in Moorehead, Ky. We talked about robotics, helped each other figure out problems, and ate pizza at their facility.

Outreach 1:

Hosting a Lego League Tournament 

We hosted a Lego League Qualifying tournament, a competition for younger kids. There, we found two great teams who would advance to state, with ten teams competing. Every LL team member participated as a volunteer, and we recruited others having over forty volunteers in all.

-Inventory (only as much as you need)
-Overproduction is unwanted 
-Over processing is unwanted
-Defects are unwanted

Outreach 7:

Hurricane Drive

Our team collected and donated supplies for hurricane relief in Asheville, NC ,with Mr. Oser’s Paint and Flooring in Georgetown. Everyone participated and brough the supplies to a meeting on October 11th.

Outreach 6:

River Boat

The team demoed last season’s robot at an FRC off-season event, called River Boat, on June 22 in Louisville, Ky.

Outreach 3:

Summer Camp Demo

We visited Georgetown College Lego EV3 camp in Georgetown, KY. On July 11th and 17th, we demonstrated last year’s robot, which attended the World Competition, talked about FIRST, answered questions, and passed around information to students who wanted to start a new team. We reached 60 kids in all.

Outreach 2:

Lockheed Mentor Talk

Three mentors from Lockheed, Stephanie, Tiffany, and Daniel Rink kindly took the time to talk to us about concepts used in engineering. We were able to include FTC Team 21623, Failing Formally, at our event. On August 30th, Stephanie and Tiffany talked about change management, and Daniel Rink taught us, through a hands-on activity, what a streamlined production line looks like.


(LEAN acronym for ways  to eliminate waste)

Outreach 8:

Outreach with FLL 

Violet and Conner went early when we hosted the FLL meet to demo our robot.